Are Great Pyrenees Hypoallergenic?

  • By: Charlie Anderson
  • Date: September 12, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

The Great Pyrenees is a genuinely magnificent breed, but they have been named one of the most allergy-inducing breeds by the American Kennel Club. Luckily for those who suffer from an intolerance toward these dogs due to their hair fiber being Webb and Padding, it can be managed with grooming practices that help remove allergen buildup on your pet’s skin or fur closely monitored during treatments.

What are Great Pyrenees dogs?

The Great Pyrenees are large, fluffy dogs that have white coats. They are considered one of the oldest breeds in Europe and were initially used as guard dogs for livestock. They are known for being one of the best guard dogs around. They were also used as herding dogs, pulling carts, and protecting people from bears in France. They are mostly kept as family pets these days since they have a calm disposition that makes them great with children.

How are they different from other breeds of dogs?

Great Pyrenees dogs have a very thick coat that keeps them warm in cold weather. They are generally larger than other dog breeds and have a great sense of hearing which makes it easier for them to hear predators such as wolves, bears, or coyotes. Their large size also helps protect livestock from danger, whether wild animals or humans who wish to harm the farmer/owner’s property.

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Why would someone want the Great Pyrenees as a pet?

The Great Pyrenees is a large breed that has been used as a livestock guardian dog for centuries. They are very loyal and protective of the people they love, making them great family pets as well as guard dogs.

In fact, some owners claim their Pyr can sense when something isn’t right with someone it loves, such as an illness or injury. This makes them excellent watchdogs but not necessarily effective security guards because they protect those they love without regard to threat level – which means you don’t want your pet going after every stranger who comes onto your property!

What is hypoallergenic, and why does it matter to the average person?

Hypoallergenic means that a product contains low levels of common allergens. There are five main allergens: dust mites, animal dander (hair and skin flakes), mold spores, pollen from trees, grasses, weeds, and fungi. This list is critical because it’s the basis for some breeds being labeled as “hypoallergenic.”

Are Great Pyrenees Hypoallergenic or not – and what does that mean for people who have allergies to animals?

There are many breeds of dogs that claim to be hypoallergenic. When it comes to this type of issue, people want something they can depend on and trust in the long term.

The first thing that you should know is that there isn’t a dog breed that can be considered 100% hypoallergenic. It doesn’t exist and never has, so don’t settle for less than the best when looking for your pet companion! The majority of allergies come from dander (dead skin cells) as well as saliva and urine. There may also be other factors, such as cold air, which could contribute to their symptoms. If this interests you, please read on to learn more about how these dogs may or may not help reduce those reactions in people who have an allergy to them!

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7 things you should know about owning a Great Pyrenees if you’re allergic to animal hair/dander/fur)

  1. Bathing Your Dog Regularly: Bathe your Great Pyrenees at least once every couple of weeks (or more often if needed). It’s important to bathe them regularly because excessive oils build up in their coat, which can cause your allergies to act up. Even though the Great Pyrenees is considered hypoallergenic, it still has an oily coat, and frequent bathing will help decrease allergens in their fur.
  2. Grooming Your Pyrenees: A thorough brushing each week (or more often) can also reduce dander on your dog’s skin that may be triggering your allergy symptoms. To keep shedding at a minimum, brush them after they’ve had a bath while their coat is still wet, so you don’t have to remove excess oils from their fur with multiple baths per month.
  3. Empty the Litter Box Frequently: If you have a litter box for your Great Pyrenees, keep it as clean as possible by scooping out solids wholly and daily changing all of the litter about once per week.
  4. Owning a pet is suitable for people feeling sad or anxious. But if someone in your house doesn’t like dogs, try not to have them around when they’re not outside playing. Also, make sure not to let your pet on any furniture that would typically be off-limits, so there won’t be constant exposure while lounging around inside the house.
  5. Provide Air Filtration & HEPA Filters: Install air filters throughout your home, especially in the bedroom where you spend most of your time. Some people even use air purifiers with a HEPA filter if their allergies are incredibly severe to help remove allergens from the air as much as possible.
  6. If you don’t feel any better after trying these things, you might need to give away your Great Pyrenees. They might not be able to live inside the house if someone else is allergic. If you are sensitive to dogs, there will be some that bother your symptoms or need medicine. So maybe it is better if you get rid of the dog because you can enjoy life without symptoms or medicines.
  7. Tools for Grooming: Always be sure to have the right tools on hand for grooming your Great Pyrenees. You will need a slicker brush, metal comb, and regular toothbrush.
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If you’re wondering if Great Pyrenees are hypoallergenic, the answer is “yes and no.” Yes, in that they do not shed nearly as much hair or fur as other breeds. No, because their coat can still generate an allergic reaction for some people who suffer from allergies to dogs’ hairs. Luckily there are ways to manage this with grooming practices and treatments closely monitored by a vet. Hence, your dog’s health remains intact while also ensuring you remain comfortable around them! Do any of these methods work for your pup? Let us know how we can help make life easier all around!

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