How Long is One Day for a Dog

  • By: Charlie Anderson
  • Date: December 17, 2021
  • Time to read: 4 min.

A day is a long time for any dog. But how long do they perceive it to be? A study by the University of Sydney in Australia found that dogs live in “slow-motion” compared to humans. They can see and sense things more clearly, which means that their perception of time differs from ours. So what does this mean for your pup? To put it simply: One day could last up to 40 hours!

One day for a dog is like 40 hours

The time difference is extreme! Working 8 am to 5 pm, you may have been gone for 56 hours on their dog days. If one human year equals 7 dog years, then every hour translates into 7 hours of a pup’s life–a rather strange way to measure things if you ask me, but whatever floats your boat, I guess… So 168 / 24 =7 Dog-humans per day or 2 Humans times 3 Days each which comes out at just under 14 DOG YEARS (give or take) before they catch up again!!

A year in human years is not an option for dogs

A study by the University of Sydney in Australia found that dogs live in “slow-motion” compared to humans. A dog’s life lasts about 90% slower than a human, meaning one year equals seven years for you and your pup. This allows them more time to play, explore, sniff new smells and just be happy puppies. The older they get, the longer their days seem as well! As puppies age into adults, it can seem like they slow down, but once they hit middle age (five or six), even though five years have passed, you will notice how much faster everything seems because aging has slowed down immensely!

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Ten months in cat years

Ten months in cat years is the equivalent of 78 years in human years, while ten months in dog years is equal to around 60.

People age more quickly than dogs because they are considered “senior” after seven or eight years (the end of adolescence), but this thinking doesn’t apply to canines since their life stage lasts until about 12 or 13!

A study by the University of Sydney in Australia found that dogs live in “slow-motion” compared to humans; for example, it takes them five times longer to reach old age. Their metabolism also slows down at a much earlier age than ours does. Interestingly enough, cats actually outlive us too—by four lives worth! But come on… who’s counting?

Eighteen months in hamster years

One day for a dog is equal to about 18 months in human years. The University of Sydney, Australia, found that “dogs live in slow motion” compared with humans and other animals. According to Professor David Roberts from the university’s Veterinary Science faculty, one factor affecting how fast food moves through their digestive systems.

He said that due to faster gastrointestinal transit times, dogs have adapted, so they only eat once or twice a day – while it takes us up to 20 hours before our eaten meal reaches an exit door! Dogs also sleep more than we do, typically between 12-14 hours per night but often breaking it into two separate sessions rather than sleeping continuously as humans do. They can get away with less rest because they are more active while awake and because they “sleep-in,” their whole body is resting instead of shutting down parts at a time as humans do.

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It’s different for every animal

A study by the University of Sydney in Australia found that dogs live in “slow-motion” compared to humans. The head researcher, Professor David Roberts from the university’s Veterinary Science faculty, said this is because they have adapted. Hence, they only eat once or twice a day – while it takes us up to 20 hours before our eaten meal reaches an exit door! Dogs also sleep more than we do- typically between 12-14 hours per night but often breaking it into two separate sessions rather than sleeping continuously as humans do. They can get away with less rest because they are more active while awake and because their whole body rests during sleep time instead of shutting down parts at a time as humans do.

Dogs can live up to 20-25 years, but that doesn’t mean they’re always happy and healthy

In a study by the University of Sydney in Australia, it was found that dogs live at a “slower pace” than humans. They may have shorter days, but they still experience similar psychological stressors as we do!


Dogs are so patient with us, but we don’t often think about what they need. Do you know how long one day for a dog is? It’s 24 hours, and that doesn’t include the time it takes them to eat or sleep! Let’s show our canine friends some love by taking care of their needs. Check out this article on how dogs experience time differently than humans do if you want more information.

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