How Much Does Ear Cropping Cost

  • By: Charlie Anderson
  • Date: October 6, 2021
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Many people wonder how much does ear cropping cost. The question is usually followed by “does it hurt?” The answer to these questions is yes, and no. Ear cropping surgery is a procedure that removes the dog’s ears from their natural state to make them stand erect, which then resembles the shape of an elf or elfin point.

What is ear cropping?

Many people are under the impression that ear cropping is a painful procedure for dogs to undergo.

While this may be true in some cases, it’s important to note that the procedure has come long since its invention. It can be done while keeping your pet comfortable during surgery using modern techniques like general anesthesia.

If you want more information about how much dog-ear cropping costs or if you’re interested in learning more about what happens during the surgery, keep reading below!

Why do people crop ears?

Some people like the look of cropped ears, and some dogs should have their ears cut for health reasons.

There are several different kinds of ear cropping:

  • Puppy Ear Cropping
  • Surgery
  • Natural Ear Cropping
  • Ear Taping
  • Home Cropping

Many breeders will crop the ears of a puppy before selling it. This is generally done when the dog is very young (between twelve and sixteen weeks). The length of time between surgeries depends on how fast the ears grow, but one ear should be fully healed before you do another surgery to give both sides adequate time for healing. If puppies are not cropped by four months old, they likely won’t need their ears cut at all because their cartilage has already started growing into its final shape. Puppies usually recover from this procedure quickly without any long-term damage to their health or well-being.

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Cost of the procedure

Many factors can affect the cost of ear cropping. These include where you live, what vet you use, and how often your dog’s ears grow back into their original shape due to scar tissue building up around them over time after surgery. Prices also vary depending on whether or not they need stitches removed afterward. Usually, these procedures take place under a general anesthetic, so if any extra care is required for your pup, it will be added to the bill later.

Generally, ear cropping costs $500 to $600 in the US and £300 to £400 in the UK. Some vets even offer a package deal, so when you pay for one procedure, they take care of everything else, such as blood tests and vaccinations, along with any other functions your pup may need while under anesthetic. Before committing yourself financially, you must ask lots of questions about what is involved and how much time your dog will be spending at the veterinary clinic afterward. It can help if you write down all these details before going into surgery to avoid misunderstandings later on when paying the bill!

How to prepare for surgery

Before you take your dog in for ear cropping, there are a few things that need to be done. First, you should make sure they have fasted before surgery and do not eat anything after midnight the night before their procedure. You will also want them to receive antibiotics from your veterinarian before the surgery because this reduces infection rates which can result in more expensive medical bills down the road if left untreated. In addition, it is best to give them pain medication such as Rimadyl or Deramaxx when going into recovery to feel comfortable while recovering at home instead of being stressed out by any pain they may experience without treatment. If possible, schedule an appointment during off-hours

  • Clean ears with an antiseptic solution, dry them thoroughly before surgery to reduce the risk of infection.
  • The vet should give you pain medication for your pet after ear cropping.
  • Some ways can help prevent infections in dog’s wounds and cuts post-op.
  • You should keep the site clean and dry.
  • Make sure your dog does not scratch, lick, or rub their ears until they have healed fully to reduce the chances of infection.
  • Do not give them food or water after midnight before ear cropping surgery, as this can cause vomiting, a severe complication that could lead to infections in wounds.
  • Avoid bathing your dog too often or scrubbing the ears to reduce the risk of infection.
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You should also not let them swim in dirty water where they could get an ear infection.

Before and after pictures

After: If you plan to become a dog breeder, your dog’s ears will need to be cropped. This is why it’s essential to know the costs of ear cropping so that if this becomes part of your breeding business, you can account for these expenses ahead of time. In general, ear cropping costs between $500 and $700 per puppy.

Before: surgery begins, anesthesia must first be applied to ensure no pain or discomfort throughout the process. Because a dog’s heart rate decreases under anesthetic drugs causing their blood pressure to lower too much, they also give the dog a drug to raise their blood pressure and heart rate.

Once anesthesia is applied, the vet will shave off all hair around the ears and on top of them so that they can be easily seen once surgery begins. The surgeon then makes two minor cuts in each ear where it meets with cartilage allowing for enough space to fold over part of the ear and attach it together at both ends using stitches or staples depending on how much skin you wish to remove from your pup’s ears. To ensure proper healing, antibiotic ointment may also be used during this process, along with bandages wrapped across your pup’s head.

Pros and cons of ear cropping

There are several pros and cons of ear cropping that one should be aware of before deciding whether or not to crop a dog’s ears. This is because there could potentially be some health issues associated with the procedure, but it can also help prevent future ones from occurring.

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Pros: There are few disadvantages for cropped ears, and many people find them preferable for their dogs in most cases. For example, suppose you own police dogs. If the dog’s ears are floppy, they will not hear so well when they are working at night or in other low lights. Make their ears stand up straight so that they can listen to well when they are performing.

Cons: A dog may experience some discomfort for a few days after its ears have been cropped, but this is usually mild and easy to manage as long as you follow the veterinarian’s instructions. In some cases, your pet will be given pain medication or antibiotics to alleviate any problems with healing from the surgery.


So what do you think? Is ear cropping for your pup something that sounds like a good idea, or would it be better to leave their ears as they are? We have told you about the surgery and how much it costs. Now we want to know from our readers if their dogs had problems after the operation. Do you have before and after pictures of your dog who underwent ear cropping surgery? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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